Darwin Harbour
Integrated Report Card


Management Deliverables

Management deliverables were assessed using public information published in the 2019-20 Annal Report of the Northern Territory Government Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (formerly Department of Environment and Natural Resources).

Source: https://depws.nt.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/949723/2019-20-denr-ar-our-achievements.pdf

Scoring method

The assessment calculated the percentage of budgeted key deliverables, set by the department, achieved for the 2019-20 year, which matched the standardised 0-100 report card scoring scale.

Key deliverables were assessed and averaged by Section within the Department (Flora and Fauna, Rangelands, Water Resources, Bushfires NT, Environment) to provide a management score for the harbour and catchment.


Key management deliverables by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security were assessed as very good for the 2019–20 year. The Departmental divisions Flora and Fauna, Rangelands, Bushfires NT and Environment achieved very good (A) grades (between 83-100% of budgeted key performance indicators); whereas Water Resources achieved a good score (76% of its budgeted key performance indicators were met).